Lord Commander Stryker

December 4th, 2012

Lord Commander Stryker, aka eStryker, Stryker2

Here is the completed Lord Commander Stryker.  The paint job came out okay, but not as good as I’d originally hoped.  The paints got a bit chalky on my while blending, which is especially evident in the blues.  As for the whites on his armor I used Bloodtracker Brown for extra shading, which helped separate it from the cape which I think I used a bit of Beast Hide to darken.

Rear view, showing the arcane blues on his back

I like the way the arcane blues came out, with the vertical gradient rather than the spirals. I used the standard color scheme from the FoW:Cygnar book, making sure the full range of shades and highlights to help  make it stand out since it was one long gradient.

Good shot of the hair and face

The hair came out really good, I like the overall orange color and the range of shades and highlights.  The face also came out pretty good, though it was extra challenging to paint with the sword running across it.

Straight on showing more of the face

My favorite part is still the base with him charging up and off a cliff. This base was made the same way I made Kara Sloan’s base, breaking up a larger piece of milliput. I then affixed it to a mound of green stuff, sculpting the edges around the stone to make it feel like the ledge was protruding out of it.  The angle was important as if it was too flat it would lose its impact, but too steep and it would look silly. As with Kara I finished it off with a few Jungle Tufts from Army Painter. The splashes of color help keep the base eye-catching.

December 4th, 2012
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