Kara Sloan: WIP #3

May 21st, 2012

Kara Sloan work continues with more work on the shoulders. I started out with the leather pouches on her large armored shoulder. As I was painting them it occurred to me that I’m not sure she can physically reach these. She certainly can’t see in them, it’s very odd placement, but I’m chalking it up to “looks interesting” more than “is practical.”

Shoulder pouches

Went with standard leather coloring from the FoW:Cygnar book and tacked on some gold buttons.

On the opposing shoulder she has a very small shoulder pad which I assume is to absorb some of the kickback from Spitfire.  Same leather scheme as the pouches.  While I was here with leather colors, I also hit the rifle strap I had added.

Shoulder pad

With my leather colors still available I also painted the scabbard, though I went a shade darker than the rest of the leathers. It gave a neat really aged look to the leather, almost a disuse/ornamental feel, which is appropriate, as by Kara is in big trouble if she starts swinging the sword around.  U

Sword scabbard


Tough to see in these shots, but I darkened the bottom edges of the large shoulder pad, and added a glaze of Bloodtracker Brown to give the shoulder a bit more definition.

May 21st, 2012
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