Gorman Di SeaWulfe – WIP #1

January 7th, 2014

Let me interrupt my usual stream of Cygnarans and Trollbloods to present a special project from PG_oxyguy: Gorman Di SeaWulfe. Think regular Gorman Di Wulfe crossed with a pirate:

Gorman Di SeaWulfe

Gorman Di SeaWulfe

As you can see my first thought was I needed a base that looked like ship decking. Thankfully I had a leftover wood floor base that I had used for pCaine, from Enigma Miniatures.  This is a one-piece model so after cutting off the base tab and straightening his wilting dagger, we was ready to base.  I pinned his foot and drilled a suitable hole for the bottom of his peg leg and that’s provided a solid attachment to the base. (more…)


Horgenhold Forge Guard

July 9th, 2013
Horgenhold Forge Guard

Horgenhold Forge Guard

I’ve completed the min-unit of Forge Guard.  I purchased the repackaged max unit, but painting units is painful enough without doing all 10 at once.  Also I only need 6 for the list I have in mind.  The thought is to have these guys screen for my Storm Strider.  Weapon Masters with reach should discourage models wanting to take free strikes to get past them.  Though at SPD 4 I’ve got to make sure they get out ahead of the Strider enough to screen for it without significantly slowing it down.

Initially when painting began I though they were wall Hammerfall Khaki and this was a simple unit, but once you get brush to model you realize there’s a lot of detail here. There’s the green shoulders and elbow armor, the gold chest piece, which I them matched to the rear armor piece which isn’t shown in the studio scheme. There’s leather straps, green pants beneath the armor plates, red insignia and so on.

Backpacks, lots of backpacks

Backpacks, lots of backpacks

Each model in the unit sports an identical backpack, topped with a bed roll and hung with a mug. For the bases I consulted the old IK World Guide to see what Horgenhold was like: mountain and cold.  So I went with larger grit for the bases, dry brushing the Battlefield Brown with Bloodstone Red, then Morrow White.  I then used Army Painter winter tufts and snow flock to complete it.

The leader

The leader

The only model with a fully exposed face is the leader, and I enjoyed painting it.  It came out well, especially the eyes.

I’m looking forward to getting these guys on the table and I really should paint up the other 4 eventually….someday… Have I mentioned I don’t like painting units?


Mountain King

June 5th, 2013
The Mountain King - finished at last

The Mountain King – finished at last

And here is the Mountain King, completed. He came out better than I had hoped.  It also didn’t take nearly as long as I was starting to think it would.  The problem was just not having time to paint, which seemed to drag it out.  In my last update I had attached all the extra chains, since then I primed them (brush on primer), then painted them using the standard metal technique shown in the Trollbloods book. One thing to keep in mind before painting the chains is to bend them into positions that will allow at least one additional contact point for more glue.  The chains are pretty sturdy, but giving two glue points makes them even stronger.



Mountain King: WIP #5

May 29th, 2013
The King, with head attached!

The King, with head attached!

Since update #4 I got the leather loin cloth painted and painted all the metals directly attached to the MK. For the chains, attachment plates for more chains and the main collar I used the standard metal formula from the back of the Trollbloods book. For the medallions dangling from his waist I went with Brassy Brass and washed it with some greens and browns to age them. I used Brass Balls for the riveted plates on the collar to add something different, and washed it in greens to age it.  I then glued on the head which made it feel so much closer to completion.
