Mountain King: WIP #5

May 29th, 2013
The King, with head attached!

The King, with head attached!

Since update #4 I got the leather loin cloth painted and painted all the metals directly attached to the MK. For the chains, attachment plates for more chains and the main collar I used the standard metal formula from the back of the Trollbloods book. For the medallions dangling from his waist I went with Brassy Brass and washed it with some greens and browns to age them. I used Brass Balls for the riveted plates on the collar to add something different, and washed it in greens to age it.  I then glued on the head which made it feel so much closer to completion.

So many tiny chains...

So many tiny chains…

Next I attached the rear loin cloth and the whelps and all the little chains.  I left the chains unpainted as I needed to bend them into position and didn’t want to risk cracking paint.  I have to say I’m surprised how well the chains seem to hold given they only have one attachment point.  With the way they fall it would be possible to add a spot of glue here and there to give additional attachment points, thought I’ve already painted those areas.

Painted base, lots more to do

Painted base, lots more to do

The base I did similar to eDoomshapers for painting.  In this photo all the painting is done, now I need to add water effects, field grass, tufts, flock and the leaf litter.  Once it’s done I’ll work on how to attach the King as his feet are not going to line up as well as I’d hoped.  Probably should’ve worked this bit out ahead of time.  My guess is that his feet and grounded hand will all be pinned to the base then I’ll have to sculpt some additional rock to make up the difference between his feet and the base surface.